X-Rubicon - Profile, History, Experience - Dr. Marco Behrmann



Leadership notions


Same same but different - Specification of relevant leadership communication notions

"I think, therefore I am" (Cato). That has logic. What is your logic when it comes to motivating, activating, and directing others? Small words often make a big difference. Be a ware of the different meaning of these 6 pairs of notions and avoid confusion, conflict, or even demotivation through your language:

  • Truth vs. reality: What you think and what is true can be a big difference.
  • Confirming vs. agreeing: Empathizing and affirming someone is completely different from confirming and agreeing.
  • Goal orientation vs. result orientation: Leading with goals rather than processes grants freedom and encourages own thinking.
  • Leading vs. managing: Focussing on the person or the tasks represents the eternal dilemma of managers.
  • Helping vs. supporting: Do you give tips and help learning or are you in the doer trap and take over the work?
  • Know-how vs. skill: Actualizing a plan usually does not fail due to the lack of knowledge. Practice makes perfect - and is needed.

A good technique to employ mindful language and conscious communication is practicing feedback and meta-cognition. After a conversation, ask others what they understood and how they perceived your words. Then listen to yourself: did your words express what you meant? We wish you much fun and success in your reflection.
If you enjoy reflecting on language and its impact, we recommend: Eichler, H. (2018). Die verblüffende Macht der Sprache (The amazing power of language)(German). Wiesbaden: Springer.

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